Branchevereniging Spelen & Bewegen

onderzoek: spelen met robot nuttig voor kinderen met fysieke beperking

Het studentenonderzoek van Rianne Boumans-Verheijen uit 2018 keek naar de zora robot. Het rapport is in het Engels hieronder te vinden. Kort samengevat bleek het een nuttige toevoeging bij de therapie.

The main question “Which category of exercises with the ZORA robot is most motivating for children with physical disabilities?”
could be answered, but this does not have one simple answer.
Specific exercises are useful for different settings and goals. Overall, this study showed that the type of exercises children play, influenced the motivation of the children. This means that use of the ZORA robot can greatly aid in the therapy for physically disabled children, though additional research may benefit the achieving of a broader range of predefined goals by the therapists.
